STAFF CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT AND STAFFING Staff capacity development remains important for the organization. While all project staff and members benefitted from an internal trainings on Emergency Response in Crisis Situation, CHRAPA also organized a training on basic notions of human rights monitoring. With the current humanitarian crisis in the Northwest and South west Region of Cameroon, CHRAPA has also benefitted from capacity building trainings from the Organizing Committee for Humanitarian Assistance Based in Buea Cameroon. Some of these trainings included; How to mainstream Protection in Humanitarian Situations and Gender Based Violence in Emergencies.


CHRAPA throughout the year carried out several activities to achieve its goal which is to promote and protect human rights. Despite the numerous successes recorded, CHRAPA’s limited finances, as well as limited human resources continue to be a handicap for CHRAPA to reach out to all the communities that needs its services. CHRAPA has continued to work on developing effective fund raising strategies, as well as mobilizing and engaging communities in the design and implementation of projects to ensure community ownership and sustainability of it’s projects. It will also continue to lobby for funding from partners, communities and good will ambassadors who have continued to support it’s work

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