CHRAPA staff capacity has continue to grow. Two staff, a Livelihood Officer and a GBV Officer were recruited. This was preceded by the recruitment and training of 10 community paralegal officers to work in  regions. That is the Northwest and Southwest Regions.  Five community mobilizers were also identified in each of these Sub Divisions to work with the paralegal officers. The project team also received training on trafficking, human rights monitoring, GBV among others.

The paralegals throughout the project implementation period, participated in community sensitization and education programmes on SGBV, documented and forwarded complaints to CHRAPA office for action to be taken and also identified beneficiaries for RIGA. They also carried out several campaigns on the 16 days of activism in their various communities. Output 1: IDPS and Host community are exposed to GBV prevention activities Baseline:0; Target 30,000 For this output, 30,000 people were earmarked for awareness raising in the project target community. Communities were sensitized through meeting of constituted groups, visits to churches and through community mass sensitizations. In all, 40,456 people were directly contacted through meetings in constituted groups like, quarter meetings, njangi groups, church groups, mass sensitization in funerals, church rallies amongst others while over 45,000 have been reached through the radio, social media, like facebook, instagram, whatapp groups and other mass sensitization forums. Direct sensitizations constituted 9593 youths, 8371 women, 8914 men, 758 Mbororos and 400 Persons living with disability. To complement these sensitization activities, others were reached through community radio programmes. Six hundred (600), flyers, 500 posters and 1000 T-shirts, a banner and Roll ups were also produced with the partner logos not only to create awareness but also to enhance visibility of the Funders. We will also want to note that many men were reach during sensitization and education campaigns.

This was thanks to the fact that, the men recruited as paralegal officers could easily penetrate male cycles. Female paralegals and female community mobilizes, had challenges to move in several locations for security reasons due to the prevalent crisis. Also more men were targeted as it is an advocacy project to deter violence against women (VAW), thus targeting men for behavioral change was necessary to reduce rape, battery and other forms of gender based violence on women Output 2: Cases of GBV are reported by the community to protection actors and documented cases. Baseline:0Target: 600 A total of 3147vulnerable cases were identified. These number included women who were vulnerable to be GBV victims as well as survivors. Out of this number 1003 had suffered one form of GBV or the other and 20 were raped cases and another 16 cases of sexual assault

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